Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A Ruthless But Insightful Review of The Secret

This one comes from Matt Cale of Ruthless Reviews.

Although scathing and frank, I believe there's a lot of good insight and truth in Matt's review.

Matt points out many of the same concerns I had when I first watched The Secret.

...Especially this:

"First, no philosophy, even one so seemingly benign and “instructive,” could ever hope to pass the smell test when its primary advocates are people with titles such as “Visionary,” “Philosopher,” and “Metaphysician.” It’s a dead giveaway as to the efficacy of a belief system when its most fervent champions are those who secured their positions either from online universities, or had them “bestowed” upon their persons in moonlit ceremonies involving chanting, laying of hands, and at least one person beating a drum. Not a single reputable individual – you know, someone with an actual education or degree – speaks in this movie, other than the creepy feng shui consultants and “authors” (is this ever allowable for the strict self-publishing set?) who always seem on the verge of leaping from their chairs and attacking the camera."

Visit this link for the full review:

A Ruthless Review of The Secret by Matt Cale


"If drudgery is not found somewhere in a book or course, it isn't worth reading. Of all great works nine tenths must be drudgery." -- Russell Conwell

Calista McKnight


Cosmic Connie said...

LOL, Calista. (Have I mentioned I love your blog?) And Matt Cale was right on the money. I loved that quote you chose.

Which leads me right back to harping about credentials. It's just too darn bad that people can't get their credentials the old-fashioned way like I did. Instead of using the Internet, I got *my* ordination from Universal Life Church via snail mail. I actually had to sit down, fill out a form in my own handwriting, and walk out to my mail box to send it on its way. It took *minutes* instead of the few seconds it takes today.

Calista McKnight said...

Thank you Connie.

Those Secret gurus remind me of the saying (not sure if it's 100% correct),

"Some people sell their souls and live with good conscience on the proceeds."

It's such a hoax it makes me laugh.

Anonymous said...

OK, be a nay sayer, that's your perogative. What I got from the video is that if you get off of your ass and put your energy into something positive(which are things you like) you'll reach your goal. It doesn't say anything about magic. You have to you stay focused on your dreams and never give up no matter if people ridicule you or support you. You are the one that has to do it, you and your mind. As for credentialed people. So what they don't have degrees from sources that you or others believe to be reputable. I work around medical doctors and professors. You'd be surprised how many are assholes and full of it. I wouldn't take advice from those jerks even though they have "credentials" from Harvard. So every educated person isn't wise. Why knock something positive anyway. If "The Secret" was about how to rip people off and get away with it, people would applaud. Try to pull people out of depression and show them they can achieve their dreams, people attack it. What a world we live in...