Monday, March 5, 2007

Secret Teacher Calls Law of Attraction Stupid

I wrote about this in my Secret Lie forum over the weekend.

It isn't anything new, but it highlights something that should be obvious to any human being with half a brain: The Secret is a lie.

Apparently, even one of The Secret teachers feels this way as well. But don't take my word for it. Read the facts then decide for yourself:


Bill Harris says Bob Doyle's Program Doesn't Work

In his monthly Mind Chatter newsletter, Bill Harris, Director of Centerpointe Research Institute (creator of Holosync neuro audio products) and a teacher in The Secret, wrote an article about Bob Doyle (another Secret teacher) creator of the Wealth Beyond Reason law of attraction program.

In the article Bill Harris states, among other things:

Believe me, Bob Doyle’s method is NOT what successful people do. My circle of friends includes some of the richest, most successful people in the world......AND THEY ALL “WANT IT.”

Now, I’m not trying to put Bob Doyle down (I don’t even know who he is). I’ll tell you, though, that this idea of “putting it out to the universe, raising your vibration,” blah, blah, blah, does not work. Show me one person who is hugely prosperous through doing what he suggests.

You can’t, because there aren’t any.

You can read the full article yourself here ( Do You Believe in Magic?) beginning on page 9:

Bob Doyle's Wealth Beyond Reason law of attraction program is hugely popular among the new age community and here is Bill Harris -- a Secret teacher --- calling it essentially hocus, pocus magic.

What do you think?

And in all fairness a "serpico" replied to my forum post and clued me in to something I already knew:


In all fairness to Bill Harris, he retracted his remarks about Bob Doyle in the subsequent issue of Mind Chatter and even apologized to him.

It's nice to conveniently skew the facts towards your position. Play fair now.

And here was my response, in part:

"I surely did read Bill Harris' subsequent newsletter. I was saving the BEST part for last.

Ok, let's be fair. Out of all of The Secret teachers, I respect Bill the most. He's a successful businessperson who has actually made a small fortune doing something other than teaching the law of attraction (even though he's pretty wrapped up in it now). That's more than I can say about some of the others.

Here are Bill Harris' subsequent comments (in part):

I made a significant goof in the January issue of Mind Chatter, and this short letter to you is to set the record straight. Please take a moment to read it. As you probably know, the most recent issue contained an article titled “Do You Believe in Magic?” in which I described why you cannot create money—or any other kind of success—merely by wishing, hoping, “raising your vibration”, or through any other kind of “New Age magic.”

To create wealth, or to achieve anything, there is always a price to pay. In some way you must provide something of value to the world, which always involves taking action. Wishing and hoping alone will not do it. I was moved to write this article because I see so many people struggling financially, unsuccessfully using what I call “magic” in the hope of creating money or other success, and who really need to know what really works.

I feel bad when I see these people going in circles using methods that clearly do not and will not work. The motivation to write the article NOW, however, was a letter I received from a woman who was taking a course called Wealth Beyond Reason created by a man named
Bob Doyle.

I was not too kind to Bob and his course in my article, and I have to confess that I should have done a little more research before I opened my big fat mouth. Instead, I relied on what the letter writer told me about the course, and based on that, made some incorrect assumptions.
In doing so, I did Bob Doyle and his Wealth Beyond Reason course a disservice.

So let me state that Bob does NOT advocate methods that I would describe as “believing in magic,” and in fact,now that I have looked it over, his course looks very good to me.

People who take my Life Principles Integration Process online courses—which deal with the subject of creating success in the world, along with many other topics—sometimes misinterpret what I say as meaning that all you have to do is “focus your mind” and what you want will come to you.

It’s clear to me now that the letter writer was, to some extent, misinterpreting Bob’s course material, just as people sometimes misinterpret
mine, and instead of looking at the course before I opened my big mouth, I took her interpretation at face value.

I spoke to Bob Doyle yesterday, and we had a very nice conversation, in which I apologized and also gave him some business help with his

So, I want you to know that I think Wealth Beyond Reason is a good course for anyone who wants to learn how to create money and success
in the world. Bob has a good handle on how that is done, and his course is very reasonably priced.

Plus, he gives you a ton of valuable extras with the course, including a copy of Joe Vitale’s great book The Attractor Factor.

One more thing before I let you go. I knew that my article about not believing in magic would be controversial. I knew that it would stir
up a lot of people. Many people really do believe that prosperity and success can be achieved just by thinking, wishing, believing, hoping,
“putting it out to the universe,” and other such nonsense.

Well, just as I suspected, it WAS controversial, and I am already getting a lot of mail about it.

This response only lends credence to my reason for beginning this thread in the first place; hypocrisy.

I respect Bill's original comments more than I do the latter. I think he was spot on and I believe that deep down inside he REALLY feels that way about the Wealth Beyond Reason program (which incidentally is a lot about "putting it out to the universe, raising your vibration, blah, blah, blah". Go watch The Secret again and study Bob Doyle's comments).

So what does this mean?

It means that Bill Harris is first and foremost a businessperson. He subsequently found out, or he was told by someone that Bob Doyle was going to be in The Secret with him. After that he changed his tune ...real quick. Bill's company, Centerpointe, stands to make a huge amount of money from the continued success of The Secret.

There's no way he could get away with bashing Bob Doyle and still stay in "alignment' with The Secret , get it?

Ahhh....The Secret Lie continues...


"If drudgery is not found somewhere in a book or course, it isn't worth reading. Of all great works nine tenths must be drudgery."
-- Russell Conwell

Calista McKnight
The Secret Lie


Anonymous said...

Your a negative dip shit. Bill Harris says he relied on the letter writer's comments about Bob Doyle's course. Can't you read? Bob's course isn't anything like you suggest and he's not new age. Go read his web site.

Mary Moon said...

Congratulations Calista!

You popped your cherry with your very first blogger comment!

Too bad it is from one of "them."



Calista McKnight said...

Anon said:

"Your a negative dip shit. Bill Harris says he relied on the letter writer's comments about Bob Doyle's course. Can't you read? Bob's course isn't anything
like you suggest and he's not new age. Go read his web site."

Is that you serpico?

I'll have to report you to Bob Doyle. You obviously haven't studied the Wealth Beyond Reason course curriculum well enough to pass the final exam.

Here are some flash cards to help you study. These bits of wisdom come straight from The Wealth Beyond Reason text:

"Embrace the change, no matter the form. The Universe is doing your bidding in the most efficient way possible!"

"In fact, if you ?ask? for something, then immediately try to figure out how you are going to get it, you have effectively revoked the request. You are saying, ?Never mind, Universe! I?ll figure it all out for myself.? And then you suffer over why it is being delivered so slowly or not at all! You are trying to intellectualize the process."

"You and your Ego are not as smart as the Universe. So you will speed things up greatly if you will just step out of the way."

I could go on and on..

Does this not sound like "putting it out to the Universe?"

By the way, I'd be more than happy to tutor you so you get an A+ on the final.

As a member of this blog, you qualify for the special discounted rate of $7,499 for a two-day law of attraction intensive (meals and magic amulets included).

Rest assured, your results are GUARANTEED -- not by me of course, but by the Universe.

Calista McKnight said...

Mary Moon said:

Congratulations Calista!
You popped your cherry with your very first blogger comment!

Too bad it is from one of "them."


It is all your fault. :0

By the way, what's with the pic? Nobody wants to look at your behind, for God's sake.

Bob Collier said...

Hi, Calista

I subscribe to Bill Harris's Mind Chatter, too, and read both of his articles about Bob Doyle's WBR. There's no doubt in my mind either that he meant what he said the first time.

I've been through the WBR course. Since I've already taken a pot shot at Bob Doyle elsewhere regarding his dodgy credentials as a teacher of 'The Law of Attraction', and I do actually like the guy (since he could easily be a good teacher of Wealth Consciousness, which he started out as), the best I can say is that, generally and overall, I didn't understand much of the curriculum. But I wouldn't call him New Age either and, credit where credit's due, he has a couple of meditation and visualization training audios in the course that are very, very good indeed.

But, yeah, I reckon somebody had a word in Bill Harris's shell-like lug after his first article and he wrote the second article for that reason.

Bob Collier

Calista McKnight said...

Hi Bob,

Thanks so much for stopping by.

bob collier said:

"But I wouldn't call him New Age either and, credit where credit's due, he has a couple of meditation and visualization training audios in the course that are very, very good indeed."

Perhaps not in the traditional sense, but the WBR program certainly appears to borrow various elements and methodologies from New Age doctrine - at least to my "unlearned" eye.

Am I wrong?

I absolutely agree that Bob Doyle is a great guy. I also have no doubt that his WBR program is a sincere and noble effort on his part to help people. I have a very close friend who swears by Bob Doyle and WBR, including the audios you're referring to.

All of that said, I believe the WBR course is based on the same questionable science as the rest.

I just find it all very amusing that Bill Harris (whose products I think are outstanding) is now associated with "putting it out to the Universe" -- a term he himself once repudiated.

I quote from page 19 of The Secret book (right after the part where Bill tells the story about Robert the gay guy):

"The Universe must deliver the pictures of the new frequency, no matter how impossible the situation might seem. Robert's new thoughts became his new frequency, and the pictures of his entire life changed"

By the way, if there's anyone who indeed has the research to back up claims made, it's Bill Harris.

Why don't they invite him to forums?

Hmmmmm, on second thought, bad idea. Bill may actually make some of them look silly.

Bob Collier said...

Hi, Calista

I agree that Bob Doyle has aligned his Wealth Beyond Reason course with questionable science - and it's emblazoned right across the top of his home page. Plus he's now updated that to promote himself as "one of the World's Foremost Authorities on The Law of Attraction". Ouch. I hope that doesn't come back to haunt him.

You would have read the transcript I posted at The Secret vs. Science of part of his conversation with David Cameron, the author of A Happy Pocket Full of Money, the book on which the Wealth Beyond Reason course was originally based.

Does that sound like a conversation between a couple of authorities on the 'Law of Attraction'? It sounds to me more like a conversation between a couple of barroom philosophers on a Friday night.

I've just been to my e-Library, where my copy of A Happy Pocket Full of Money has been happily gathering cyberdust, and, sure enough, when I reread the opening part of the book, it makes a totally plucked out of the air assumption about 'what quantum physics tells us' and carries on as if it's a scientifically proven fact.

I agree also with your comments on Bill Harris's work prior to his involvement with Rhonda Byrne. He really does know the science behind Holosync.

It's interesting to note that his home page doesn't say anything (that I could see) about him being a world's foremost authority on the 'Law of Attraction'. He's clearly talking neurotechnology throughout the page. There's a testimonial from Jack Canfield and one from James Ray and in both cases they're billed as "Star of the hit movie The Secret". Right at the bottom of the page is a text link that says "Have You Seen The Secret?". That takes you to a page on the Centerpointe website where Bill Harris is billed as "Teacher of the Secret" and his association with 'The Law of Attraction' is given there. Very briefly. No indication if it's the Abraham-Hicks version he's talking about or his own perception of what that phrase means to him.

At the very least, he's certainly not trumpeting his involvement with The Secret to the world. Some people might even call his modest presentation of his relationship with the movie 'semi-distancing'.


Calista McKnight said...


Excellent observations regarding Bill Harris and the Centerpointe website. He does appear to be semi-distancing himself.

Incidentally (or coincidentally), in The Secret book (which I have not read in its entirety), it appears that Bill is only referenced on 2 1/2 pages out of 200.

Out of curiosity, I've actually signed up for Bill's "The Master's of the Secret" e-mail course. I haven't looked at it in-depth yet, but I noticed that Bob Doyle is not on the A list.

I'm sorry I missed your post about WBR on The Secret Versus Science forums. Your reference to "barroom philosophers" had me laughing.

I'm still trying to grasp the true purpose behind that forum. It seems awfully incestuous over there and Joe is obviously absent (at least as himself, that is).

I guess the jury is still out on that one.

Bob Collier said...

Hi, Calista

I believe the purpose of The Secret vs. Science forum was to sidetrack Kevin Hogan and get him off The Secret's back.

Joe Vitale gave the impression that he and Kevin were setting it up jointly so they could go head to head, but he's never had any intention of showing up himself. He conned Kevin Hogan into presenting his argument to a virtually empty room, and he left a bunch of innocent 'Law of Attraction' fans to carry the can for him, occasionally sending a messenger boy or girl - Craig Perrine and Larina Kase so far - to stick up for him without revealing that they're his personal friends. I think maybe it's just starting to dawn on the fans of The Secret who came to the forum in good faith that they've been screwed, too.

No Show Joe, meanwhile, is too busy defending the indefensible on TV and now talking about foisting more of the same on the world.

My opinion of that guy sinks lower every day.

Calista McKnight said...


I watched the Larry King Live show the other night (re: The Secret and the Critics). To me it seemed like just another Secret infomercial. I was really disappointed after the "sparks may fly" comment Joe made.

If you really want to defend The Secret, then why not invite some REAL scientists and give them equal air time?

If The Secret can be proven, then we will all apologize and move on.

Unfortunately, I don't see that happening any time soon.

Enigma Valdez said...

you know your blog has a point...the secret makes it seem all so easy and like so many other self help courses its hard for most people to filter the hype and come back to ground 0...which is you've got to do something after/during your "feeling good" or raising vibration.

But honestly I don't believe that the secret movie would have done so well had it been more in depth and talked about all the work the people had to do while meditating, affirming and raising their vibrations and visualizing.

Nobody wants to be told that they have to work their butt off to get what they want. LOL that's not what sells.

But I do believe the people behind the secret movie do have good motives in softening a concept up for mass consumption.

The american consumer has been programmed to "have it your way right away" mentality. So the concept of taking responsibility has to be broken down into something most people can wrap their head around.

That's just my view on it. Although I am a proponent of the law of attraction, I do respect your blog and am glad you are here posting a different view.

I for one, don't believe in just hocus pocus "feel your way to wealth"... I think that's an important part in helping you get through life's ups and downs...but I also teach people that on the other side you've got to get up and do something... consistently on a regular basis... not just for a few weeks or months, but for a consistent process of time.


Calista McKnight said...

Thank you enigma for your post.

enigma said:

"But honestly I don't believe that the secret movie would have done so well had it been more in depth and talked about all the work the people had to do while meditating, affirming and raising their vibrations and visualizing."

"Nobody wants to be told that they have to work their butt off to get what they want. LOL that's not what sells."

This is so true. The Secret's lure of simplicity and magical thinking was a recipe for blockbuster success from the start. Although I'm not so sure they saw it coming or even designed it that way.

For example, many people consider the creator of Star Wars, George Lucas, to be a brilliant creative mind (which he his).

However, when interviewed as to his genius creation of characters and story lines and prequel strategy, he said he made most of it up as he went along.

In retrospect, Rhonda Byrne appears to be marketing and production genius. However, my personal opinion is that she fell into that role after the Oprah endorsement.

enigma said:

"But I do believe the people behind the secret movie do have good motives in softening a concept up for mass consumption".

I believe the people behind and in The Secret fall into two categories: good eggs and bad eggs.

Some people genuinely care about the well fare of others, while a few are only concerned about their own fame and fortune.

This latter group will do or say anything (and they have) to attract your money into their bank accounts. 

enigma said:

"That's just my view on it. Although I am a proponent of the law of attraction, I do respect your blog and am glad you are here posting a different view."

"I for one, don't believe in just hocus pocus "feel your way to wealth"... I think that's an important part in helping you get through life's ups and downs...but I also teach people that on the other side you've got to get up and do something... consistently on a regular basis...not just for a few weeks or months, but for a consistent process of time."

And I respect your opinion as well.
I believe there is great power in belief, faith, determination and perseverance.

As far as being able to magically alter subatomic particles and make them do your bidding, I think all of that is a tall heap of bull.

Also, I don't think any one of us is God, not even close. And I feel that some things just happen in life, whether you think you attracted them or not.

Hopefully, the folks at Secret & Co. are currently working feverishly to add some sensibility and practicality to the next installment of The Secret.

I believe the critics are indeed being heard as I see evidence of that all the time, especially from various Secret teachers who have already issued several clarifications. 

Anonymous said...

Uh, I enjoyed the Mary Moon behind shot...

Mary Moon said...

Why thank you anonymous...